

Great sites for Excel Effects

The great sites Below are some great sites where you can get help on topics related to Excel and Excel Effects. Help us build this list If you know a site that would fit this list, then feel free to contact us at Related

MID worksheet function for Excel – Reference

Overall, the MID worksheet function in Excel returns the characters from the middle of a text string, given a starting position and length. MID worksheet function Here is the syntax of the MID function. Syntax =MID(Text, Start_num, Num_chars) Arguments Below are the arguments of the MID function. Argument Description Text A text string from which […]

Places to get data and information

List of places to get data and information Below is a list of some places to get data and information on a variety of subjects. By the way, we know some people are not a fan of some of the sites on the above list. However, it still contains data that is useful for various […]

Quick access toolbar for Excel – Quick glance

Our quick access toolbar The QAT allows you to quickly access commands that you use often. Overall, it helps you work more efficiently. So, this QAT is actually the one we actually use in Excel. Since we are into graphics and data, we have commands that work with objects and numbers. An example would be […]

Sample sales data – Excel data room

This sample sales data comes from our Excel data room. Basically, we use this data for practice. Thus, you should do the same. Overview of sample sales data Again, this data is mainly for practice. Use it for pivot tables, formula creation, and learning how to work with data. Also, this data contains fake numbers. […]

Sample table designs in Excel

We will show you some sample table designs in Excel. Sample table designs Because of Excel’s structure, you do not have the same flexibility as you would in a word processor. Or, in a desktop publisher app. However, with some creative thinking, designing fancy stuff is always possible. Also, the good thing about tables in […]

SQL joins table

Below are different tables and diagrams for SQL joins. So, these illustrations show seven connections between two tables. SQL joins table The diagram below shows the original table, and the results of each join structure. SELECT syntax for joining tables Related Reference guide

Who drinks in the United States by gender?

Who drinks in the United States by gender? These data visualization examples show various ways to depict who drinks in the United States by gender. According to data from, 63% of men drink, and 57% of women drink. The poll was taken from July 6-21, 2021. So, with this data, we will show the […]


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