Excel Effects develops software tools, online apps, games, creative technology, and how-to guides. Enjoy charts, dashboards, snapshots, and video lessons.

Professional software tools and apps.

Charts :: Excel apps :: games :: dashboards :: video lessons

Excel Effects develops software tools, online apps, games, creative technology, and how-to guides. Enjoy charts, dashboards, snapshots, and video lessons.

Software tools

Excel Effects develops unique tools with spreadsheets, including games and dynamic dashboards.

We consider Excel for more than just calculating numbers and analyzing data. Overall, you can do almost anything in Excel.

Excel software apps

Excel apps

Developing Excel apps is fun and challenging. We love to see people using our tools to come up with new ideas, and ways to solve a problem. So, download a tool and create something great!

Excel Effects games

Excel games

We love to develop and play games in Excel. It is very challenging to create these type of games. In addition, people are fascinated with the aspect of playing games in Excel.

Dashboards - Excel Effects


So, we learned how to develop Excel dashboards without using heavy code. These graphical user interfaces allow you to creatively view your data in a user-friendly manner.

Templates - Excel Effects


We create the template for you. After that, update and process it as you please. These templates are timeless and helps with project management and organization.

Software center


Most tools in the Excel Effects family require Excel.

Alternative to Excel, try Google Sheets, LibreOffice, or OpenOffice.

Education is key.

Snapshots, quick tips, tutorials and video lessons by Excel Effects.

We love developing software tools and apps. However, we understand the importance of education and learning new things.

Snapshots - Excel Effects


Snapshots help you to easily visualize a certain tasks for a particularly software or technology. Overall, they are brief tutorials.

Quick tips - Excel Effects

Quick tips

Overall, quick tips help you learn or remember a set of tasks in short form.

Video lessons - Excel Effects

Video lessons

To visually learn things, our video lessons will help you breakdown various tasks in an easy way.

VBA tutorials - Excel Effects

VBA tutorials

If you really want to enhance someone's experience in Excel, learn and use VBA or Visual Basic for Applications.

Reference desk - Excel Effects

Reference desk

If you are looking for information, then our reference desk is one of the places to start.

Charting tutorials - Excel Effects

Charting tutorials

Knowing how to design charts will help you greatly in the job market and with your personal work.

All education

Using AI to learn and develop.

When using AI to learn and develop, it tends to speed up the process. In many cases, that is great. Particularly, if you understand what the AI delivers as a solution.

However, we think it is also good to learn how to perform certain tasks from scratch. This can help embed knowledge and information in your brain better.

Currently, we use automation in our projects. In future projects, we may incorporate AI functionality.

If we ever use AI in our work, then you will definitely see a note in the project.


Experiments - Excel Effects

Some projects at Excel Effects start as experiments. We finish some, while others remain in limbo.

Feel free to pick up where we left off.

Experiments lab