Software tools, how-to guides, and games by Excel Effects.

Apps, templates, spreadsheets, and software tools - Excel Effects

Excel software tools

Power your spreadsheet needs with creative templates, innovative designs, and Excel software tools.

Key areas of our site to enjoy.

Question of the day

Question of the day - Excel Effects


Below is the question of day for 2024/07/27.

In many browsers, what is the keyboard shortcut to refresh a webpage?

Quiz timeAll questions

A. F5

So, did you pick the right answer? If so, then maybe you really want to get down. Click on the "quiz time" button to challenge yourself.

Apps and Excel software tools

Software tools - Excel Effects

Software tools and apps

Experience unique Excel software tools and apps to enhance your work environment and productivity.


Unless you live beyond 2400, our calendars will last you a lifetime. They are all fully functional and work great in Excel.

View all calendars

Charting tools

Explore the different possibilities with our charts, in our chart library.

View all charts


All of our templates are lightweight and versatile. Overall, they help you organize tasks and improve productivity.

View all templates

Online apps

These creative online apps from Excel Effects will help you get work done, all in one place.

View all online apps

Chart library

Chart library - Excel Effects

Beautiful chart library

Great selection of charting tools. So, access our chart library for your unique needs and start building exciting things.

Area chartsBar chartsBubble chartsColumn chartsCombo chartsDonut chartsLine chartsMath chartsPie chartsScatter chartsSheet chartsSpecial chartsEntire chart library


Games - Excel Effects

Games people play

So, we love games, just like many people do. Playing games tend to take you away from stress, and can even relax you. Also, they may hype you up. Now, that is just our opinion.

You know something, our earlier games were developed in Excel 2003. That is right! You heard us correctly. It was fun and challenging. Moreover, they still play beautifully.

If you are ready to get down, then visit our games page and get busy.

Games page

Take a quiz

Quizzes - Excel Effects

Time to take a quiz

Many Excel Effects quizzes cover different subjects, including topics outside of information technology and STEAM.

Hey, we even have quizzes that were generated by ChatGPT.

Take some quizzes

Web tools and online apps library

Web apps and online tools - Excel Effects

Online apps and web tools to get stuff done

Utilize your creative juices with our fast online apps and web tools, to get stuff done effectively.

Online apps library