Google courses

Google courses

Google courses

The Google courses in this section of Excel Effects are from our affiliates.

Google courses

Google Sheets

Sheets is a free program that allows you to create and edit spreadsheets online. Also, you can save your work online and open it up in almost any location. Moreover, share your work with others, including coworkers, friends, and business partners.

Below, are lessons that will help you learn how to do things in Google Sheets.

Google courses - Sheets beginner to advancedSheets beginner to advanced
Google courses - Sheets for office needsSheets for office needs
Google courses - Entry level skills in SheetsEntry level skills in Sheets
Google courses - Sheets complete bootcampSheets complete bootcamp
Google courses - Google Sheets - AdvancedGoogle Sheets – Advanced
Google courses - Sheets - Formulas and functionsFormulas and functions

We plan to update this section on a regular basis. Therefore, feel free to come back and check out the new stuff we have for you. Thanks!


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