Our experiments help us come up with new ideas and inventions. Sometimes, we do not get the chance to finish them. You are free to continue the project.
Chart Switcher for Excel The Chart Switcher is a tool for Excel 2003. Originally, it was an experiment to see if we can update the source of a chart from a user’s selection. We plan to keep it in the experiment category, as a vintage tool. If you click in cell B6, then a dropdown […]
The color slider The color slider is a successful experiement in Excel 2003. Also, it works great in higher versions of Excel. So, all you have to do is, move the sliders from left or right. After that, the color of the cell changes. Individually, each slider represents a RGB value. One for red, another […]
Brief overview of the column row highlighter The column row highlighter is an experiment in conditional formatting. Moreover, we developed it as an Excel tool without macros. Basically, we like to call that sheet programming. Do not get us wrong, we love coding. But, it is a good challenge to try to do things in […]
Elevator action is a sample animation demo in PowerPoint. Elevator action We created this animation demo in 2008. Jeesh, it seems like yesterday. In any case, we will not go into a lot of detail about demo. Instead, just download it and enjoy it for yourself. Also, feel free to take it apart and experiment […]