Desktop games

Matches game for Excel

Matches is an Excel game where you match Wingding characters. Overview of Matches So, there is not much to say about this game. You already know what it is. Simply click on one box, take a look at the character. Then, you click on another box, see if it matches the first box. Matches live […]

Scrambler game for Excel

Scrambler is a word unscramble game for Excel. Overview of Scrambler We developed this game many years ago, using Excel 2003. During that time, we were experimenting. Fortunately, the experiments were successful. On the other hand, we did not continue to enhance the game. Most likely, other outside jobs got in the way. Anyhow, it […]

Wingding Match game for Microsoft Excel

Wingding Match game (or WMG) for Excel Requirements Microsoft Excel 2003 or higher or compatible. Download Wingding Match Below is a video showcasing realtime play of WMG. Wingding Match is a desktop game for Microsoft Excel. Overall, it has three levels. And, there is one twist to this game. If you miss consecutive matches, then […]


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