Cartoon Charts

Cartoon Charts

Is it Cartoon Charts (or CC) or works of Excel chart art? Yes, we know… Do not quit your daytime job. Fortunately, part of our daytime job involves creating Excel and spreadsheet designs. Besides, some of us work at night.

Unless otherwise noted, CC designs are done by hand. Usually, in PowerPoint, which is not always easy. On the other hand, it keeps the design crisp.

Table of contents

Overview of Cartoon Charts

So, there are two sides of CC. Firstly, one side deals with the art. Secondly, another side deals with the charts. However, there is more to the program.

For the purpose of CC, we refer to charts as data graphs, tables, spreadsheets, or even plain text. Originally, we called it chart holders. However, we really did not plan to have all these figures included in the design.

The charts

Below are the chart designs of the CC program.

Basic Excel operators

If you want to see some examples of basic Excel operations, then visit Basic Excel operators – How-to snapshot.

Basic Excel operators I - Excel Effects
Basic Excel operators II - Excel Effects
Basic Excel operators II - Excel Effects

Create computer formula from math function

Cartoon Charts - Create computer formula from math function - Excel Effects

Click above image to view larger version, which looks crispier and prints out beautifully.

Extract year from standard date in Excel

Extract year from standard date - Cartoon Charts - Excel Effects

Excel Scrambler game

Excel Scrambler game - Excel Effects

Total weekdays and weekends (SUM and SUMIF)

Cartoon Charts - Total weekdays and weekends (SUM and SUMIF) - Excel Effects


Snapshots Education


Affiliate stuff – Move up and excel with Excel