

Contact us at Excel Effects – Keep in touch

So, you would like to contact us. Well, that is not a problem. Contact us Whether you have general questions, sales questions, or need support, this is the place to be. And, we will always put forth our best effort in helping you come up with a solution. On the whole, the best way to […]

Excel Effects

All in all, Excel Effects creates tools that make it easier for you to compare data. In addition, we design software tools that also put fun into your work. Excel Effects The Story So, we started Excel Effects in September of 2015. After doing the Daily Report, it gave us the idea. If we can […]

Getting to know Excel Effects – About us

Getting to know all about Excel Effects. Firstly, Excel Effects started in August 2015 in New York City. Getting to know us At Excel Effects, we love developing software tools, games, educational programs, and creative products. Although “Excel” is in our name, we also design stuff outside the Excel app. However, we love Excel. Our […]


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