Use a shape to run a macro in Excel – How to

Use a shape to run a macro in Excel – How to

How to use a shape to run a macro in Excel

Use a shape to run a macro in Excel

This quick tip and video shows you how to use a shape to run a macro in Excel.

Also, we have a lesson on running a macro from a form control. If you want a deeper understanding of this process, then you should view that tutorial.

Now, although we use a box object in this demo, you can assign a macro to almost any shape. Including, custom objects.

The video

Below is a video that shows you how to run a macro using a box object. Keep in mind, it just shows you a basic technique.

By the way, to get the shortcut menu of an object, simply right-click on the object.


So, did you give it a shot? Were you successful? If so, then congratulations. Otherwise, try it again.


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