Futurist Amy Webb shares outcomes for AI and work

Futurist Amy Webb shares outcomes for AI and work

Futurist Amy Webb shares outcomes for AI and work - Excel Effects

This podcast discussion showcases futurist Amy Webb and her viewpoints and analysis on AI and work. So, the question is: Is AI future hype or hope?

Video podcast of futurist Amy Webb on AI and Work

If you are curious on what Amy Webb has to say about AI and work, then listen to the video below. Overall, we think this is a great discussion on technology and how it may shape the future.

Source: Futurist Amy Webb Shares the Most Plausible Outcomes for AI and Work | The WorkLab Podcast, 2024, Microsoft, online video, accessed 5 February 2024, <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abMlHjO2nh4&gt;.


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