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Every question of the day

Well, almost every question of the day, but only from the Excel Effects website. Unlike our quizzes, we do not grade these questions. Moreover, these questions cover a variety of topics. Select a year below to view questions.


Question of the day list

Here are all the questions from March 5, 2024 to end of 2024.

Question 1 – 2024.03.05

A binary number is made up of zeros and __________.


B. ones

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Question 2 – 2024.03.06

What number system is hexadecimal?


A. Base 16

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Question 3 – 2024.03.07

What numbers and/or letters make up a hexadecimal number?


C. 0 to 9 and A, B, C, D, E, F

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Question 4 – 2024.03.08

What does JSON stand for?


A. JavaScript Object Notation

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Question 5 – 2024.03.09

In binary arithmetic, what does 1 + 1 equal?


A. 10

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Question 6 – 2024.03.10

Microsoft Word is a(n) __________.


C. word processing application

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Question 7 – 2024.03.11

In Excel, the SUM() function __________.


B. adds up number(s)

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Question 8 – 2024.03.12

What is 2 * 2 / 2 + 2 * 2?


B. 6

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Question 9 – 2024.03.13

PowerPoint is an example of a(n) __________.


C. presentation program

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Question 10 – 2024.03.14

What does the VLOOKUP function do?


A. Looks for a particular value in a table.

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Question 11 – 2024.03.15

What function counts number of characters in text string?



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Question 12 – 2024.03.16

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13... represents the name of what series sequence?


A. Fibonacci series

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Question 13 – 2024.03.17

What is the shortcut to center text in PowerPoint, on a PC keyboard?


C. Ctrl + E

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Question 14 – 2024.03.18

The "GPT" in ChatGPT stands for what?


B. Generative Pre-trained Transformer

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Question 15 – 2024.03.19

How many bits make up a byte?


A. 8

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Question 16 – 2024.03.20

Which function will display the first character of a text string in cell A1 in Excel?


A. =MID(A1,1,1)

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Question 17 – 2024.03.21

If A1 = 8 and B1 = 2, then what does A1 / B1 (B1 + B1) equal?


C. 16

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Question 18 – 2024.03.22

In most computer languages, code indentation usually makes the program easier to __________.


B. read

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Question 19 – 2024.03.23

What does the function =SUMIF($A$1:$A$25,"smoker",$B$1:$B$25) do in Excel?


C. Adds numbers from B1 to B25 if they are a smoker.

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Question 20 – 2024.03.24

In Excel, what does the NOW() function do?


A. Shows the date and time.

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Question 21 – 2024.03.25

In database terms, what does SQL stand for?


C. Structured query language

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Question 22 – 2024.03.26

Mr. Spock, from Star Trek is a __________.


B. Vulcan

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Question 23 – 2024.03.27

The RANDBETWEEN(0, 1) Excel function displays __________.


A. zero or one

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Question 24 – 2024.03.28

Which item starts off a comment in HTML?


C. !--

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Question 25 – 2024.03.29

HTML stands for __________.


A. HyperText markup language

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Question 26 – 2024.03.30

In C++, you display "multi-line" comments with __________.


B. /* ... */

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Question 27 – 2024.03.31

How many days are in the month of March?


C. 31

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Question 28 – 2024.04.01

How many months contain less than 31 days?


B. 5

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Question 29 – 2024.04.02

In Excel, which function will show you the number of days in April?


A. =DAYS("2024/5/1", "2024/4/1")

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Question 30 – 2024.04.03

=IF(0 * 1,"Hello!","Goodbye!") produces which result in Excel?


C. Goodbye!

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Question 31 – 2024.04.04

What is the result of =14/0 in Excel?


A. #DIV/0!

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Question 32 – 2024.04.05

If i = 6, then what is ++i in JavaScript?


C. 7

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Question 33 – 2024.04.06

What does == do in most programming languages?


B. Checks if arguments are equal.

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Question 34 – 2024.04.07

In Excel, what is the result of =2^3?


A. 8.

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Question 35 – 2024.04.08

Which operator assigns a value to a variable in JavaScript?


C. =

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Question 36 – 2024.04.09

A(n) __________ has four edges and four corners?


A. quadrilateral

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Question 37 – 2024.04.10

In JavaScript, "news" + "paper" equals...


B. newspaper

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Question 38 – 2024.04.11

What is the ASCII character code for capital letter A?


B. 97

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Question 39 – 2024.04.12

=CHAR(65) will show you __________ in Excel?


C. A

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Question 40 – 2024.04.13

=CHAR(65) will show you __________ in Excel?


C. A

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Question 41 – 2024.04.14

Boolean comparisons generally represent what kind of operation?


B. logical

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Question 42 – 2024.04.15

In JavaScript, var breakfast = ["tea", "bagel"]; represents a(n) __________ assignment.


A. array

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Question 43 – 2024.04.16

A monochrome monitor displays __________.


A. tones of one color

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Question 44 – 2024.04.17

Convert the decimal number 32 to hexadecimal.


C. 20

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Question 45 – 2024.04.18

In Excel, =DEC2HEX(64) will display __________.


B. 40

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Question 46 – 2024.04.19

A printer is an example of a(n) __________.


C. output device

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Question 47 – 2024.04.20

The RGB color (255, 255, 0) represents the name of what color?


A. Yellow

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Question 48 – 2024.04.21

Which web hex color code represent total red?


B. #ff0000

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Question 49 – 2024.04.22

How many sides does a decagon have?


A. 10

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Question 50 – 2024.04.23

In Excel, what does =MOD(ROW(A2), 2) equal?


C. 0

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Question 51 – 2024.04.24

In Windows, what is the shorcut key to right-align text in PowerPoint?


B. Ctrl + R

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Question 52 – 2024.04.25

The Windows shortcut key to bold text in PowerPoint is __________.


C. Ctrl + B

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Question 53 – 2024.04.26

One kilobtye is equal to __________ bytes.


C. 1024

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Question 54 – 2024.04.27

A quarterfinal typically consists of __________.


B. 4 games

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Question 55 – 2024.04.28

A semifinal game typically comes before a __________ game.


A. final

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Question 56 – 2024.04.29

Excel function =ROW(A256) will result in __________.


B. 256

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Question 57 – 2024.04.30

The =ISTEXT(hello) function in Excel will return __________.



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Question 58 – 2024.05.01

In computing, BIOS is short for __________.


A. basic input output system

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Question 59 – 2024.05.02

In JavaScript, the != operator checks if values are __________.


C. not equal

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Question 60 – 2024.05.03

Inside your computer, RAM is also known as __________.


A. random access memory

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Question 61 – 2024.05.04

In computer terms, ROM is also known as __________.


B. read only memory

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Question 62 – 2024.05.05

COBOL is short for __________.


C. common business oriented language

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Question 63 – 2024.05.06

In computer programming, a GUI is the same as a __________.


B. graphical user interface

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Question 64 – 2024.05.07

What is the Windows shortcut key to undo an action in PowerPoint?


C. Ctrl + Z

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Question 65 – 2024.05.08

In Excel, which function counts the number of cells in a range that are not empty?



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Question 66 – 2024.05.09

What does the error code #DIV/0! mean in Excel?


B. The formula attempts to divide by zero

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Question 67 – 2024.05.10

Source code is __________.


C. program text

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Question 68 – 2024.05.11

What will the Excel function =LEFT("Alex",2) return?


B. Al

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Question 69 – 2024.05.12

New York City has __________ boroughs.


A. five

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Question 70 – 2024.05.13

In Excel, =(3^3=9) will return __________.



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Question 71 – 2024.05.14

What do you call a five-sided shape?


C. Pentagon

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Question 72 – 2024.05.15

A diamond is also a __________.


B. quadrilateral

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Question 73 – 2024.05.16

Adobe Illustrator allows you to create __________.


C. vector-based designs

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Question 74 – 2024.05.17

Who won the 2024 women's national college (NCAA) basketball championship game?


A. South Carolina

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Question 75 – 2024.05.18

The 256 web colors range goes from __________.


B. 0 to 255

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Question 76 – 2024.05.19

In Excel, =IF(1+0,"Hello","Goodbye") will display __________.


C. Hello

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Question 77 – 2024.05.20

Mexico is located on which continent?


B. North America

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Question 78 – 2024.05.21

Who won the 2024 men's NCAA basketball championship?


C. Connecticut

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Question 79 – 2024.05.22

What does 2+2/2-2*2/2 equal?


A. 1

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Question 80 – 2024.05.23

In Excel, =IF(FALSE * TRUE,"Hello","Goodbye") will show __________.


C. Goodbye

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Question 81 – 2024.05.24

The Amazon River is located on which continent?


A. South America

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Question 82 – 2024.05.25

How many games are played in NCAA's final four?


C. 2

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Question 83 – 2024.05.26

What is the result of =IF(FALSE + TRUE,"Hello","Goodbye") in Excel?


A. Hello

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Question 84 – 2024.05.27

Which state in the USA is a Gulf state?


B. Louisiana

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Question 85 – 2024.05.28

The New York Yankees baseball team is also known as __________.


C. The Bronx Bombers

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Question 86 – 2024.05.29

In computing, VPN is short for __________.


B. virtual private network

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Question 87 – 2024.05.30

The programming language Fortran is short for __________.


A. formula translating

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Question 88 – 2024.05.31

In Excel, =TRUE/FALSE equals __________.


A. #DIV/0!

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Question 89 – 2024.06.01

Chrome, Opera, Edge, and Brave are examples of __________.


A. Web browsers

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Question 90 – 2024.06.02

Which tool in Photoshop allows you to make a rectangular selection?


B. Marquee tool

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Question 91 – 2024.06.03

The web color code #ffff00 is equivalent to __________.


C. RGB(255, 255, 0)

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Question 92 – 2024.06.04

What is the result of =CHOOSE(ROW(A2),"Hello","Goodbye","Run") in Excel?


B. Goodbye

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Question 93 – 2024.06.05

The eye dropper tool in Illustrator allows you to select a(n) __________.


C. color

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Question 94 – 2024.06.06

In Excel, =MOD(ROW(),2) displays __________ for even rows.


A. zero

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Question 95 – 2024.06.07

What is the result of the ="J"+"G" formula in Excel?



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Question 96 – 2024.06.08

Which code assigns a string value to a variable in PHP?


A. $fName = 'Alex'

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Question 97 – 2024.06.09

Which Excel function capitalizes the first character of each word?



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Question 98 – 2024.06.10

What application is associated with the PSD extension?


C. Photoshop

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Question 99 – 2024.06.11

Adobe Acrobat mainly allows you to view __________ files.



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Question 100 – 2024.06.12

The number format $000 will display 45 as __________.


A. $045

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Question 101 – 2024.06.13

The number format $000 will display 45 as __________.


A. $045

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Question 102 – 2024.06.14

What is the name of color code #00FFFF?


A. Cyan

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Question 103 – 2024.06.15

To get solid green, use color code __________.


B. #00FF00

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Question 104 – 2024.06.16

Which decimal number does binary number 100 represent?


C. 4

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Question 105 – 2024.06.17

The Excel function LOWER converts text to __________ case.


B. lower

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Question 106 – 2024.06.18

=IF(-1, TRUE, FALSE) will show __________ in Excel.



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Question 107 – 2024.06.19

In Excel, =TRUE*TRUE equals what value?


A. 1

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Question 108 – 2024.06.20

If you put A:A in an Excel function it will highlight __________.


C. column A

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Question 109 – 2024.06.21

Which language helps you easily create a basic webpage?



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Question 110 – 2024.06.22

In computing, DOS stands for __________.


B. disk operating system

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Question 111 – 2024.06.23

How many months have only 30 days?


A. 4

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Question 112 – 2024.06.24

How many months have 31 days?


C. 7

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Question 113 – 2024.06.25

What web color code displays a dark gray color?


C. #333333

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Question 114 – 2024.06.26

When __________ lied, his nose grew longer.


A. Pinnochio

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Question 115 – 2024.06.27

In computing, a sitemap is a guide for __________.


C. websites

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Question 116 – 2024.06.28

New York, New Jersey, and South Carolina are located on which coast?


B. Atlantic

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Question 117 – 2024.06.29

A turtle is considered a __________.


B. reptile

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Question 118 – 2024.06.30

Which color code will give you a solid yellow?


A. #ffff00

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Question 119 – 2024.07.01

What shade of color is web code #0000cc?


C. Blue

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Question 120 – 2024.07.02

One way to insert a comment in C++ is with __________.


B. //

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Question 121 – 2024.07.03

How many seasons are in the United States?


A. 4

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Question 122 – 2024.07.04

What are the names of the seasons in the United States of America?


A. Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall

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Question 123 – 2024.07.05

In PHP code, what is one way to insert a comment?


B. /*...*/

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Question 124 – 2024.07.06

The Excel function =RIGHT("Go low or high",4) will display __________.


A. high

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Question 125 – 2024.07.07

The ABS Excel function returns __________.


A. absolute value of a number

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Question 126 – 2024.07.08

What is the hexadecimal value of 255?



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Question 127 – 2024.07.09

What is the hexadecimal value of binary number 100000000?


B. 100

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Question 128 – 2024.07.10

Which URL prefix takes you to a verified and encrypted website?


B. https://

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Question 129 – 2024.07.11

In PowerPoint, which keyboard shortcut justifies text?


A. Ctrl + J

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Question 130 – 2024.07.12

In Excel, =IF((TRUE + FALSE), "Yes", "No") produces which result?


C. Yes

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Question 131 – 2024.07.13

Which keyboard shortcut allows you to italicize text in Microsoft Word?


A. Ctrl + I

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Question 132 – 2024.07.14

The keyboard shortcut to undo a previous action in most Windows apps is __________.


B. Ctrl + Z

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Question 133 – 2024.07.15

In binary arithmetic, 101 + 11 equals __________.


A. 1000

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Question 134 – 2024.07.16

The lengths of a scalene triangle has __________.


B. no equal sides

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Question 135 – 2024.07.17

In Photoshop, the polygonal lasso tool allows you to make selections by __________.


C. connecting lines

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Question 136 – 2024.07.18

Which tool do you use to make and change paths in Photoshop?


C. Pen

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Question 137 – 2024.07.19

To apply the formats of one selection to another selection, use the __________ tool.


B. format painter

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Question 138 – 2024.07.20

The __________ tool allows you to paint with pixels to another part of an image.


C. clone stamp

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Question 139 – 2024.07.21

How many numbers are in the range 0 to 255?


A. 256

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Question 140 – 2024.07.22

The binary number 10001 is equivalent to which decimal number?


B. 17

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Question 141 – 2024.07.23

What is 2^8 equal to, in Excel?


C. 256

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Question 142 – 2024.07.24

The spot healing brush tool in Photoshop allows you to __________.


C. remove marks and blemishes

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Question 143 – 2024.07.25

In PowerPoint, the Shift + F3 allows you to cycle through __________.


B. text cases

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Question 144 – 2024.07.26

PDF is short for __________.


B. portable document format

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Question 145 – 2024.07.27

In many browsers, what is the keyboard shortcut to refresh a webpage?


A. F5

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