
Color scheme table for Excel

Color scheme table If we recall, then this table is from the original Excel 2007 color scheme. The standard colors may be different today. So, feel free to download it and update it for your own purposes. The good part about this table is that you get to view the darker and lighter versions of […]

Color slider for Excel

The color slider The color slider is a successful experiement in Excel 2003. Also, it works great in higher versions of Excel. So, all you have to do is, move the sliders from left or right. After that, the color of the cell changes. Individually, each slider represents a RGB value. One for red, another […]

Column row highlighter in Excel

Column row highlighter The column row highlighter is another experiment that works great. It is an Excel tool with no macros. Basically, we like to call that sheet programming. Do not get us wrong, we love code. However, it is a good challenge to try to do things in Excel without coding. So, the way […]


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