Change chart x-axis number format – how-to

Change chart x-axis number format – how-to

Change chart x-axis number format - how-to - Excel Effects

This quick snapshot shows you how to change chart x-axis number format.

Snapshot to change chart x-axis number format

Below is the snapshot card showing you how to change millions to thousands, without modifying any data on the spreadsheet. Everything is done on the chart, retaing the data. Excel is the main vehicle for this snapshot. However, you may appy the same instructions to compatible apps.

Remember, snapshots do not go in-depth on a particular subject. Instead, they provide brief screenshots on how to accomplish a task. Also, snapshots expect you to understand some aspects of the program.

How to change chart x-axis number format - Quick snapshot - Excel Effects

Make it automatic

When you work with charts, you definitely want to make it as automatic as possible. Meaning, when someone changes the data, the chart should update automatically. You should not need to manually change something on the chart every time the data updates.

Actually, that is a step towards automation.


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